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What is Cloud Glance?


Cloud Glance purpose is to get you connected to your AWS Cloud and development environment. It is built for those that have to manage many AWS accounts over multiple clients.

Cloud Glance provides a single pane of glass to group and visualize these accounts. Especially those that still need to use the AWS Console on a daily basis to get into those account's private networks via bastion port forwarding.

It helps to keep track of direct links into the AWS console and to share them with your team. Which makes it ideal for your daily monitoring run where you open all the AWS accounts/environments to inspect their AWS CloudWatch Dashboards or getting into a specific service log files.

Similarly, when it comes to SSH, all of these AWS accounts either have VPNs or bastions to get into them. If you are a developer on many of these projects, you reach a point where many of the port forwarding required clashes between projects and even clients. Cloud Glance creates visibility on what local ports are in-use and where they forward to.


  • CloudGlance manages your ~/.aws/credentials so that you don't have to manually edit files. It's basically a GUI for your ~/.aws files.
  • Open multiple AWS consoles at the same time with Firefox Containers.
  • CloudGlance creates temporary credentials with STS from either your IAM Role, IAM User, IAM Federated login or AWS SSO as stored in your ~/.aws/credentials. MFA is supported.
  • Export temporary STS credentials to your terminal or to another AWS profile.
  • Single-click navigation into your most loved AWS service console pages with the help of bookmarks.
  • Visualize & manage connections between bastions and available local ports used for port forwarding.
  • Both classic SSH(.pem) and AWS SSM are supported for port forwarding.
  • Built-in Git support to manage CloudGlance Profiles across your teams. Push, pull and merge JSON configuration profiles at the click of a button.
  • The option to encrypt sensitive information in your ~/.aws/credentials like the aws_access_key_id and the aws_secret_access_key without breaking normal AWS CLI commands.
  • The Cloud Glance CLI can communicate to the Cloud Glance GUI to obtain temporary credentials and prompt for any user input required, like MFA and SSO.

Why create Cloud Glance?

The primary audience is consultants or people that have to manage many AWS accounts over multiple clients. Not all clients can provide you with the golden path: an SSO profile and roles to assume. Some might give you an IAM user and others IAM roles to assume directly. These might require MFA, which makes it even more difficult to get the CLI working.

A similar problem exists when doing port forwarding to get to these client's private networks. At some point, you get ports that clash and have no method to visualize which clients use your local ports for forwarding.

CloudGlance was born to manage and visualize your AWS and bastion port forwarding setup in a single location. This reduces the cognitive overhead and fatigue of managing multiple clients.